Jer’s Orbit
Gerald Frank Lewis
“The Other Jerry Lewis”
7/28/1926 thru 6/13/2008
Jerry Lewis, a man after My own heart, My solider, My dove, a Love like none other. A man of vision; a man of wisdom; a man of purpose, and of strength. A man of fierce resolve, many times misunderstood by the passion that consumed him. A true seeker --with eyes for pure truth and the power there of. A man of compassion and patience, tenderness and heart with depths as unsearchable as the One who bore him. A man of fortitude and grit, a teacher, a prophet, an inspiration and a friend.
Many of you know personally and have asked Jesus to be Lord of your lives because of this man named Jerry Lewis, so it is only fitting that we celebrate this Spiritual Father’s going home to His Father this Father’s day.
Some of you did not have the divine pleasure of walking closely to this mighty man of God like I did --and as I’ve been evaluating the whole series of events concerning Jer’s death. I was reminded by the Lord speaking to me in Jerry’s voice, that these circumstances and this life is not about me, it is not about us, it is about the King Jesus and His Kingdom and His will for us. It is about God’s purpose and plan-- one so far reaching and all encompassing that it is unfathomable....a love story like none ever told, so deep and so wonderful, words cannot possibly describe, one that cannot be told --but must be lived, one so hidden and secret that few have had the courage to pursue it.
As we were talking last night, the Lord revealed something to me about Himself and Jer. He said; “We are like a never ending fireworks display, charged and ready, floating in an atmosphere where gravity has no hold, waiting around every corner and active in every event-- a continual light show burst-- one burst igniting another throughout all eternity, and with every burst comes an invitation, an opportunity to be the men and women of God that He has made us to be; Kingdom citizens displaying Heaven, Now, on earth.
I thought about what Jer would say to us all, if he were here, He would most certainly explain the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. He would tell you what you were made of and that you came forth from this Kingdom. He would implore you to shake off the religious traditions of the past and throw off the garment of self-rule. He would tell you of your great destiny in which the only God and Creator of all had to die in order to give us entrance into this Kingdom. He would tell you that in this Kingdom is the fulfillment of your every desire and that in this Kingdom the King meets every need, pays every bill, heals every disease, and makes all things new. He’d show you the beauty of this Kingdom in which you are to live here on earth and then --He would introduce you the King of this Kingdom; Jesus the Christ. For Jesus said (John 3:3 KJV) ...Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. And (John 3:5 KJV) ... Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Then in (Rom 10:10 KJV) For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
He would encourage you not to let the treasure of this Kingdom die in you. He’d say don’t let it be stolen or aborted. This Kingdom comes with rights-- for the Word of the King is Law and He is exalted when His kids look just like Him. We are here as ambassadors, sent from Him to reveal our heavenly country. Jer would invite you to enter under --into the tent of meeting by the shed blood of Jesus as payment for our sin and Jer would say, “ As you enter into this tent of meeting you will not just meet with the King but I’ll be there too”. He’d tell you to protect the Precious so the Precious can protect you.
Jerry Lewis: A mans who’s voice continues far after His Death.
I say “Lord, I hurt so bad”. He responds, “Jer did the same thing I did-- He died so You could go UP HIGHER.”
Thus this picture The Truth About-- The Lie About “COMING UP HIGHER” which Jer drew for us all for with every death there is a resurrection. Jer died that we might rise.